Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I know there are many who are upset, angry, scared, confused, dismayed, (insert adjective here). And then there is everyone else that is upset over the election results...All kidding aside I understand it is very easy to point out what is wrong, what is frightening in this world and country but I also think we should point out what is good.  Last week I had the opportunity to attend a Parental Care Ministry banquet and see the amazing things God has been moving his people to do in Uganda.  There are amazing things going on in our city with Mission Tyler and Hunger for Love feeding people that are in need both body and soul.  The men in my church have volunteered time and money to help a family that was in need.  I'm not saying or mentioning all these things to exalt these individuals and I know the reasons they are doing what they are doing is not to glorify themselves.  I mention these things because I feel they are doing good in the world around them and following the direction God has led their lives. We as the "church" often times lose sight of what is good in this world and focus on keeping the bad out of our lives and communities. I am often reminded of Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

I think about this and can't help but wonder where this is in our world today?  I'm not saying to become an ostrich and put our head in the dirt and ignore things around us.

What I am proposing is to be aware of what is going on, to engage in the political process, to see things for what they are, but to not dwell or give our passion to these things that don't directly glorify God in everything that they are.  I know there are many of you that will argue with me and tell me I am being naive (maybe I am). I would rather spend my time filling my life and pouring my passion into things that truly glorify God than mask themselves with Godly principles.  There are so many opportunities in the world around us to impact peoples' lives.  How do we change the world around us by dwelling and talking about how bad things have gotten, how terrible things are.  I think Jesus was clear on his position about worrying in Matthew

Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?' For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6: 31-34

I desperately want to see more and more of my brothers and sisters so passionate about sharing the love of Christ in everything that they do that they have no room for any other desire.  What would that world look like? What would that world be like if people experienced true love for one another, there was trust, there was accountability to the Gospel that was all held together by love?  The problems of this world wouldn't magically disappear, or dissolve but the perspective through which they are viewed and dealt with would shift.  We want all these things but we look to change the hearts of the leaders of this world who have invested their entire lives into obtaining and maintaining power.  I know the context of this is different but it is very interesting given the situation Jesus was in during the time of his earthly ministry.

They questioned Him, saying, "Teacher, we know that You speak and teach correctly, and You are not partial to any, but teach the way of God in truth. Is it lawful for us to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?" But He detected their trickery and said to them, "Show Me a denarius. Whose likeness and inscription does it have?" They said, "Caesar's." And He said to them, "Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." 
Luke 20 : 21-25

In line with what I said earlier I am not promoting complete withdraw into a commune or becoming an ostrich, rather a change of heart to what moves us and inspires us to action and to speak.  I choose to be inspired by things that are Holy, things that come from God and things that please him in their entirety.  I hope that we can all draw inspiration from the one who we claim has truly made us free from all the things that seem to entangle us.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Politically Motivated...But why?

There is an election coming soon, people will go to the polls and vote on the President of the United States soon and many say it will be the election that decides our futures and how our country is run for years and years to come. I DON'T CARE!!! This may shock or upset many of you and you may want to argue with me to educate me on how important the political process is and how our country is a nation founded on Biblical principles and the 1,000 other reasons that you have convinced yourself that this one election is a make or break thing.  Let me clarify to you why I don't care, it is simply because I BELIEVE what the scriptures say.  We look for excuses as to why the morality in our country isn't what it once was, we look for reasons that someone else is to blame.  When did Christ ever say that it was the responsibility of the government to show people who he was?  When did Christ ever say that you will know who I am by the government of the land? I don't recall any moment that those statements are true. Where is our faith? Where is our trust? Why do we think that God needs us to defend him or to stand up for him?  I may very well be repeating myself I'm not quiet sure but I honestly don't understand the mindset of defending God if we truly believe who he says he is. Psalms 46:10 comes to mind when thinking on this subject.

He says, "Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."
"Cease striving and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Be still, and know that I am God!
I will be honored by every nation.
I will be honored throughout the world.”
When do we as Christians "know" that he is God? I'm not saying that we simply do nothing but I truly believe God has given an example of who we emulate. Jesus Christ.  Christ came and love people subjected himself to the authority of a morally corrupt government but never considered anything other than showing God and his love to the people he encountered.  What power does the government of man have over us truly?  Is our faith so frail that we need the approval of governments and nations to justify us?  Did Christ come for the approval of men or to serve God and love those around him?  I have faith that through everything God will be exalted and HIS will will be done.  I'm not asking you to agree with me or saying that I have everything figured out.  I simply feel that as Christians we need to be the church as it is described in the New Testament, showing love to all those we come in contact with.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Something that has definitely been on my heart lately is the issue of forgiveness.  I think too often we put conditions on forgiveness, which in my mind defeats the whole purpose of forgiving.  We say "I'll forgive you if you do this" or "I'll only forgive you if you after this".  I know it may not be popular opinion or go against everything that we've been taught, but I think forgiveness should have no bounds for us who claim to be followers of Christ.  I don't think it is something to be held above someone's head, something to be used as a bargaining chip, or anything that we should put any of our human created conditions on.  However, I do not think that forgiveness means you have to be best friends with someone.  For example, if I do something to someone and they truly do forgive me it doesn't mean that things will be exactly the same as they were before and it's not something that I should expect or be angry about if it doesn't happen.  I think a lot of times we put false expectations on situations, we feel entitled to everything or anything our hearts desire.  I think the only way to approach forgiveness is give to those what you want for yourself and be content with people not doing the same for you.  Just because we do for others what we want them to do to us doesn't meant they are obligated to.  There is a verse I love concerning love which sums up how I feel on forgiveness.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

I have tried taking the part "...does not take into account a wrong suffered,  does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth" to heart.  There have been many things in my life which I have the "right" to be upset or angry about something.  I ask what good does it do?  What help is it to become embittered over something..  As I've said this has been on my heart and mind lately there is a song by 10th Avenue North that I urge everyone to listen to if you haven't heard it called "Losing".  The part that really sticks out in this to me goes like this:

Well it's only the dead that can live
But still I wrestle with this
To lose the pain that's mine
Seventy times seven times
Cause Lord it doesn't feel right
For me to turn a blind eye
Though I guess it's not that much
When I think of what You've done.

I think about all this put together and feel that I am called to do what I believe, it doesn't meant that others are answerable to me for it and if they wrong me I am to forgive them without condition and to love them purely.  This has been a tough thing for me to swallow but I constantly remind myself of this and seek to rejoice in the truth and to not take into account a wrong suffered. That is all


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Opinionated Much?

I'm not sure why we all feel that our opinion is the end all be all of a subject.  I think that is why there is so much anger at this point in our country/world.  I'm not saying that I disagree with people having opinions or that any particular opinion is better than others.  The only thing I want to make clear on this is that I feel we all have opinions and can share them however we want to.  Just because someone has an opinion about something does that give anyone a right to attack that person, belittle them, ridicule them.  If you disagree with them that is fine no one is forcing you to agree with them, at the same time there are ways to respectfully disagree with someone that can be done either publicly or privately.  However, if you choose to do the public option then be prepared for others to disagree with you publicly as well.  I think opinions are what fuel creativity and improvements in life, but recently I think that the mass population has started thinking that their opinion is the only one out there and if someone disagrees with them then that person is wrong, a moron, delusional, insert derogatory statement here.  The only thing this does is enrage both sides of whatever argument of the moment against one another.  Wouldn't time be better spent if we weren't so worried about what everyone thinks or making sure that we voice our opinion at every possible moment.  Does posting your opinion for everyone to see make you believe in it more or less? Does arguing with someone over their own opinion make you feel like you've accomplished something?  I know you may be thinking, aren't I posting my opinion publicly.  Yes I am, but I will be the first to admit that this is solely my opinion it is not infallible, it is not the definitive word or any matter, I write this as a way to express my opinion and for the potential that someone may find something in the words that resonates with them.  If they don't I'm not offended, if someone disagrees with me that is perfectly fine and I'm not opposed to that, to quote Aretha Franklin "All I'm asking for, is for a little respect..".  Not for anyone to agree with me but to respect that this is my opinion and mine alone.  I'll step off my soapbox now...  The bottom line is just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you "have" to share it, and if you do try to realize that you open yourself up to criticism when you do whether you're the one sharing the initial opinion or you are giving your opinion on another person's opinion.

Opinion - a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

Respect - deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment: respect for a suspect's right to counsel; to show respect for the flag; respect for the elderly.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why the fuss?

There is a prevailing thought in America, especially amongst Christians that we have to "stand up for our rights".  People are afraid that if we don't take a stand that our freedom to worship and have churches will be taken away.  I pose the question does it really matter that much to you? People will respond a resounding yes, but I ask again does it really matter that much to you?  If it matters that much to you why do you not take advantage of that freedom and truly worship how we were made to.  Not, just on Sundays sandwiched between the start of service, the offering and the sermon. WORSHIP WITH YOUR LIFE.  Yes, I believe it is important to gather together as a body and that without that the road can be very difficult.  But the freedom you are complaining about is also contingent on you using it.  I know that each person is responsible for themselves and that only God knows their heart. There are times when I see people more willing to argue about something for the sake of arguing a point than really living out what they are standing for. I know it has been a hot topic lately and I'm not trying to start any debates of the "marriage issue" sparked off by Chic-Fil-A.  I decided to explore this issue further and see if there was anything that specifically speaks against homosexuality in the New Testament (due to the fact of people arguing about the validity of Levitical law).  I found a verse that I feel is pretty clear on the subject.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

I'm not posting this to bash anyone that struggles with any of the sin listed in the verse.  Just pointing out that it is clear that it is not something that is debatable according to scripture.  While reading information during the bashing done by both sides I found something that truly spoke to me that I wanted to mention.  The "Church" as a whole has ostracized people who struggle with sins that they don't.  It's perfectly fine, and we know you don't mean to be a drunkard but since we can understand that we can see past it.  But if someone has a different lifestyle than us the same rules don't apply.  I'm not saying that either is acceptable to God only that it's not my place to withhold love from them.  Why is it that as a society we preface everything said about gays and lesbians?  Despite our personal opinions and beliefs about their choices, they are people the same as you and I.  They do not have a virus that you will catch or secret powers that will change your sexual orientation.  Perhaps your own insecurities about your faith, what you truly believe causes you to want to avoid something you are not comfortable with.  Is it worth arguing over?  Again people will respond with a resounding "YES".  But I ask you again is it really worth arguing over?  I'm not going out of my way to find gays, lesbians, drunkards, idolaters, adulterers, thieves, greedy, slanderers, or swindlers and tell them just how bad "I think" they are. Because if I truly understand the way God views it all of us don't measure up regardless of how acceptable our sin is in the eyes of society.

Romans 3:21-26

But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness is given through faith in[h] Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25 God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement,[i] through the shedding of his blood —to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished — 26 he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.

As for my part going forward I feel that I must continually ask to see all people the way God sees them and not through the terribly distorted views we have put on people. I realize that I must worry about my life and what I am doing and ask myself if it is in line with what is expected.  I don't do this out of obligation at all though, I do this because I've chosen to and that is the truth in the entire argument.  I choose to live my life a certain way and so does everyone else on this planet.  I have things about myself which are destructive that I would love to do but I realize that they corrupt my body.  I have things that had become so ingrained in me that many think it defines me, but they were not of God and so I have chosen to remove those things from myself.  Not because I have to but as a decision I make from my love for God.  I would urge my fellow believers to do the same and to point me to any reference that states we should argue about political issues.  I would urge you to examine your own life and ask God to give you his eyes and ask for his love because trying to do it on your own is futile.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Love is why

From July 7 to the 14th Stephanie and I were able to go to Oaxaca, Mexico with our church on a "mission trip".  I'm still not quite sure why it is called that but we went with our church partnering with Buckner, a Baptist missions group.  Our week consisted of putting on a VBS for children that Buckner was working with in Zaachila.  We had the "usual" VBS stuff with crafts, bible stories, snacks, and recreation.  I was in charge of recreation so I can't speak for how the other parts went but I thoroughly enjoyed being able to play games with these kids.  While there may not be anything significant about the content of what we were doing, I can say that the motivation behind our actions were to show love to the children who came and the mothers who also came.  There were times were in the afternoons where we just played soccer or some other game that someone would do something on accident and the normal reaction expected was revenge we were able to tell them it was ok and we didn't want to get back at whoever had accidentally thrown something that hit someone.  As I said before I don't have any delusions that there was anything extraordinary about the people or what we did.  However, I do think that God was able to show love through us and I hope that more than anything else that was what we left the people there with.  I did enjoy working with Buckner as well because of their desire to help the people help themselves.  Many times money is provided or food but nothing sustainable which, according to the people working for Buckner creates dependency and an expectation of getting something for nothing.  Buckner has started programs to teach skills to help people provide for themselves.  One such program is a chicken coop that was started very small and opportunities to be involved were given to many.  Only a few truly wanted to follow through with this and now they have a coop over nearly 100 chickens producing 60 eggs a day that provide food for their families and hopefully a way to have income for their family.  Another similar project is greenhouses with vegetable plants that provide a similar benefit.  While this may not seem like much to someone from America that is what I truly enjoy about what they are doing.  Buckner isn't seeking to "Americanize" everyone but to help them benefit themselves where they are.  Buckner does set ground rules for the projects that they have to give back to the community or be willing to help in other programs they are doing but all of those things are designed at helping people as well.  All in all I am glad that we went to Mexico and that we were able to work with an organization such as Buckner. I am glad knowing we didn't just go for a week and leave people with nothing that there is someone there to continue working with and for them.  Upon returning home and seeing the condition that people live in it makes me re-consider a lot of things that appeared more black and white than before.  I asked myself as well as some of my friends, "Are you a Christian first or an American?"  I couldn't help but empathize with those coming from Mexico seeking a better life for them or their families.  While, I know that there are those who would abuse any system set in place, I do think something needs to be done to provide immigration for people that are willing to follow the rules to provide better for their family.  This trip also opened my eyes to something that I feel I've been hiding from for several years, calling to full time ministry.  I do not completely know how or in what capacity, but I feel certain this is something that I need to do.  I can see instances where the things I have been through and my willingness to share the experiences and God's faithfulness to me, despite my own depravity touch people’s lives.  I don't understand why or how it consistently happens that people feel like it speaks to their heart and is what they needed to hear at the moment.  I've decided to follow this calling to whatever end it may mean and seek only to share the love that I've been undeservedly given with any and everyone.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Naked Gospel part 1

I've started this book but didn't finish so I've decided to start over from the beginning and read it all the way through this time. From what I remember in the past I enjoyed the author's point of view and the way he tries to present things based of what the Bible actually says than church jargon. I know that no one is truly unbiased in anything that is written and even now my own biases probably permeate through. I respect the effort to examine something that is so ingrained in so many people and simply ask why we do what we do and just because we do it does it make it right. That mindset I think is the first step in to truly understanding this thing we've labeled "Christianity" (not that it ever will be or was meant to be understood). I think there more people (Christians) who do things for the simple fact of this is what I've always done than knowing the why behind what they do. I know for a long time in my own life I had this mindset. While I don't think this is the most terrible thing in the world, I do think that if ever confronted with a question of why do you do something and there isn't a desire to analyze a belief or behavior and be willing to understand and be honest with yourself why you do something you end up falling into the category of blindly doing something. This can be taken to the extreme as well, analyzing every decision ever made “why do I eat carrots?” “Why do I wear blue?” I don’t think it is a natural or easy thing to be able to distinguish where the clear line is between what should be examined and what is futile. I guess that’s where “maturity” comes in and no I don’t mean age I’ve seen plenty of people older than me who cannot or refuse to grow up and people younger than me that are wise beyond their years. In the end I don’t think that there is any clear and beaten path to accomplish or find the “truth”. What works for some will not work for all, just for the simple fact is we are all unique and beautiful individuals. None of us are the same and none of us should expect to be able to replicate the exact results of someone else.